Goji berry vs jujube taste difference
Culinary Skills

Goji berry vs jujube taste difference

When comparing the taste of goji berries to jujubes, there are several key differences and characteristics to consider:

Goji Berries

  • Flavor Profile:

    • Goji berries are described as having a mix of sweet and sour flavors. They often taste similar to dried cranberries or a cross between cranberry, cherry, and tomato.
    • Fresh goji berries can have a bitter and resiny taste, which is why they are often consumed dried. When dried, the flavor is more palatable and similar to that of a “very sweet cherry tomato”.
  • Texture:

    • Dried goji berries have a chewy texture and can resemble raisins when stored for long periods.
  • Usage:

    • Commonly used in health foods such as smoothie bowls, baked goods, trail mixes, and can be eaten by the handful as a snack.


  • Flavor Profile:

    • Fresh jujubes have a sweet, apple-like flavor, similar to a tiny green apple.
    • Dried jujubes taste similar to dates, with a chewy texture that is reminiscent of familiar grocery store dates.
  • Texture:

    • The texture of fresh jujubes is crisp, like an apple. When dried, they become chewy, similar to other dehydrated fruits.
  • Usage:

    • Dried jujubes are commonly used to make tea, jam, and in various recipes that benefit from their sweet, chewy consistency[[6][9]].
    • They can also be eaten fresh, mixed into trail mixes, or used in dessert fillings.

Comparative Summary

  • Goji Berries: Sour and sweet, resembling cranberries or sour cherries when dried; often chewy.
  • Jujubes: Sweet and apple-like when fresh, resembling dates when dried; crispy when fresh, chewy when dried.

These differences make each fruit unique in flavor and texture, and suitable for different types of culinary uses.

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